Release v1.8.0
    • 02 May 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Release v1.8.0

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    Article summary

    Docker tag: 1.8.0-23707


    • Added off-by-default experimental feature to use a temporary file when buffering events prior to offload in order to reduce memory consumption.

    • Better support for getting pod metadata when using the `cri-dockerd` runtime.


    • Do not emit errors when looking up container metadata for kubernetes containers using an unsupported CRI API (namely any CRI api prior to v1 as it is not supported by k8s).

    •  Do not emit errors when looking up container metadata for expected error cases such as request cancellation or the socket being gone or busy.


    • We resolved an issue where the container metadata retrieval would occasionally fail for containers initiated before the sensor, particularly if 'kubelet' was started in a more nested process tree than the container's init.



    296c9c756a0b3634e77bcb96f76bc22a output/x86_64/cfsvcd 338645e286b0ee286c16cecce6d6bad1 output/x86_64/cwp-launch a4f3d36d755943efcbc3ef86edffe8c6 output/aarch64/cfsvcd b03eb1e6e9c8e84f6b7c8fe6f01c99cd output/aarch64/cwp-launch


    a3ffb3dbcdeb72af3c440128bb324be7d362aa1b38b203ca302514a8fb1c2c1d  output/x86_64/cfsvcd

    efa673aca26fa7019b807350550df337797715ce0522c3a3cbf8422d1efbc042  output/x86_64/cwp-launch

    94c7d6e1cf386f2dec447c1cd2bde857d94b338fa6b9bea7737678baa2136c19  output/aarch64/cfsvcd

    080486946c1b820687d2cbcbdf231255b06cd6ad840087241f38ef135bcd5cbe  output/aarch64/cwp-launch


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