Release v1.6.0
    • 04 Apr 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Release v1.6.0

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    Article summary

    Docker image tag: 1.6.0-21823


    • Support was added for patching the stable releases of the latest and previous minor version of the sensor

    • IMDS metadata fetching now includes Azure and GCP

    • Cloud endpoint type discovery now includes Azure and GCP


    • Improved support for AWS metadata gathering which includes additional availability zones and reduced IMDS token fetching

    • Improved reliability and information gathering of cloud endpoint type discovery

    • Increased buffer size of script load event contents from 1KB to 36KBs


    • The cfctl command that was incorrectly enabling safe mode on any option passed

    • The system log CSV file not generating on initial startup

    • Sensor restarts when parsing invalid DNS offsets



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    7c3eecc8262e188bf90ddc116b8c6263  output/x86_64/cwp-launch
    dd1dc7c10f224c570ea310a579d34930  output/aarch64/cfsvcd
    5954bbd8b00d56a5cf6aa1aa73a5e41c  output/aarch64/cwp-launch


    716141e6c903abb729955cfe6497f9993b9f6a7a38687f9ec9fcc96f38f2d883  output/x86_64/cfsvcd
    fae2f9edbd32e03c274948241c003edbc5c54614aa3bff9ac18b7703bbce9ee3  output/x86_64/cwp-launch
    9fd4edf98dd51c57514962501bf55939b1d3bea1320287a8330234b53b441e4f  output/aarch64/cfsvcd
    1c4de0e37c1486db0748906dd85bd316fc8b005d6530e6f383c91c2203213120  output/aarch64/cwp-launch

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