Exercise a Scenario
    • 18 Jul 2024
    • 2 Minutes to read
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    Exercise a Scenario

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    Article summary

    1. From the navigation menu, click Readiness > Scenarios and select a scenario you wish to exercise.

    2. Once the scenario is selected, click Exercise this scenario.
      exercise this scenario.png

    3. Set up the scenario by describing why you're using it and attaching the attendees who will be participating. Attendees can be attached to the exercise two ways.

      1. Attendees with portal access can be selected from the user drop down field for each Persona.

      2. Attendees without portal access can be manually entered into each Persona’s free form attendee input field. Multiple users can be added at the same time using this field provided each is separated by a comma. This field can also be used to input a team name if desired (i.e., John Smith, Susie Q., Compliance Team).

    4. After you’ve set the scenario up, click Begin.

    5. Proceed through the scenario by exercising your ability to complete the prompted skills. The skill boxes will automatically save once you click out of the text field.
      what you exercise.png

    6. At any point in the exercise, you can add exercise notes or specific Actions on the right side of the exercise.

    7. Once you’ve completed all of the exercise prompts and are comfortable with submitting your responses and Exercise Notes, click Complete.
      complete 1.png

    8. When you’re ready to begin retrospecting the exercise, click Begin Retrospective. As a reminder, a retrospective can be done on your own, by a peer or manager, or by the Red Canary team during Facilitated Exercise engagements.
      begin retro.png

    9. Work through each set of responses, then provide feedback on what was done well and what can be improved across the associated discussion points. Rate the collective maturity across the associated responses using the maturity level dropdown.

      Note: The retrospective user experience was updated mid July 2024 in an effort to consolidate feedback for overlapping discussion points. Exercises completed prior to this update will display the previous UI, which included an individual retro note field and maturity dropdown for each response. This applies to instances when one of these exercises is unlocked for editing.

    10. As a reminder, you can still update Actions and also have a dedicated Retrospective notepad.

    11. Once the retrospective is complete, click Complete Retrospective.
      complete retro.png

    12. The exercise will then automatically populate your scenario readiness score based on the initial response inputs and retrospective maturity grading.

    13. Users can export a PDF version of the final report by clicking Export.

    1. After completing the exercise, you can navigate out of the exercise to anywhere you’d like in the platform. The completed exercise will be logged in your exercises page and will populate on your home page under recent exercises.

    Note: Users with elevated privileges can also click Unlock to revert the exercise to a previous state for editing attendees, grading, or other inputs that may need to be corrected.

    Now you’re ready to exercise more scenarios! Our goal is for you and your team to exercise on a weekly basis, and we provide a variety of scenarios for you to choose from.

    Note: The retrospective user experience was updated mid July 2024 in an effort to consolidate feedback for overlapping discussion points. Exercises completed prior to this update will display the previous UI, which included an individual retro note field and maturity dropdown for each response. This applies to instances when one of these exercises is unlocked for editing.

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