Integrate Your Syslog Data Source with the Security Data Lake
    • 19 Mar 2025
    • 6 Minutes to read
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    Integrate Your Syslog Data Source with the Security Data Lake

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    Article summary

    Any external data source that can be configured to forward logs from a Syslog receiver can forward data to the Red Canary Security Data Lake. Data from your Syslog integrations is stored and searchable from the Security Data Lake.

    By integrating your security logs with the Red Canary Security Data Lake, you can meet data retention requirements, export logs when needed for investigation or reporting, and ensure greater visibility into your security infrastructure for your team and Red Canary. To integrate an external data source with Red Canary through Syslog, follow the procedure below from beginning to end.

    Step 1: Red Canary–Add a new data lake integration

    1. From your Red Canary homepage, navigate to Integrations, click the split button to the right of Add Integration, and click Add Data Lake Integration.

    2. Next to Add Integration, enter a name for your integration.

    3. Choose how Red Canary will receive this data:

      1. Under Ingest Format / Method, select Data Source via Syslog (Security Data Lake).

      2. Click the Next button.

    4. Configure Red Canary to retrieve data from this integration:

      1. Click the Provision button.

      2. This will save and activate your integration. If successful, you should get a “Collector provisioned successfully” notification.

      3. Under Send data to Red Canary, there will be a URL and Port that you can use to set up log forwarding in your external data source. Copy and save these values. You will use them in a later step.

      4. Check I’ve configured this integration to send data to Red Canary.

      5. Under Configure transport encryption, leave the default selection for now.

      6. Click the Next button.

    5. Customize how data from this integration is handled:

      1. Specify your desired data retention period in days.

    6. Click Save in the bottom right corner.

    Step 2: External Data Source–Configure log forwarding

    1. From your external data source, set up log forwarding using the URL and Port values noted in the previous section.

    2. Ensure that the data source is configured to emit logs in a Syslog-compatible format.

      Examples of Syslog-compatible formats: RFC-3164, RFC-5424, etc.

    3. Red Canary requires Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2+ encryption for Syslog integrations. Make sure your external source is configured to use TLS over Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) when forwarding Syslog messages.

      1. By default, the Syslog server that Red Canary creates is secured with a TLS certificate issued by the “Let’s Encrypt” Certificate Authority (CA), but if you are experiencing reset/connection errors, SSL certificate verification failures, or messages claiming there is a self-signed certificate in the certificate chain, this can often be related to certificate trust issues.

      2. We recommend first ensuring that Let’s Encrypt is being properly recognized as a Root CA from your external source. If it isn’t, you will need to install the ISRG Root X1 certificate in the appropriate trust store: on Windows, this might be the Trusted Root Certification Authorities Certificate Store. On Linux, this might be the system-wide trust store. It is also common for your external source to have its own separate trust store it uses instead. If your server has internet access, the simplest way to add the appropriate CA certificates to your OS trust store is to open a browser and visit a website that uses a Let’s Encrypt certificate, such as Otherwise, you can download the ISRG Root X1 .pem certificate and copy it to the appropriate location manually.

      3. If this resolves your certificate/connection error, skip steps 3 and 4.

    Step 3: Command Line–Generate passphrase keys and TLS certificates

    If the previous approach is not working or not possible in your environment, we recommend generating and uploading a custom TLS server certificate of your own. In your environment, you will need to generate the necessary keys and TLS certificates that are used to configure the external data source to send Syslog events to Red Canary.

    Note: Use PowerShell for Windows machines, and Linux or Terminal for Mac OS. The commands below are Linux-based. You should be running OpenSSL version 3.1 or later.

    1. Open your native terminal.

    2. Copy and run the command below to generate a private key for a Root CA:

      openssl genrsa -out rootCA.key 4096

    3. Copy and run the command below to generate the public key for signing certificates:

      openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key rootCA.key -sha256 -days 3650 -out rootCA.pem

      1. Enter the values requested.

        Note: You can leave all of these values as default if you want. The only entry that you need to enter is the CN.

      2. Enter the URL from Step 1 when prompted for a Common Name (CN).

    4. Copy and run the command below to generate an RSA private key:

      openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048

    5. Create a server.cnf file. This file will tell OpenSSL what configurations to use during the CSR generation process. If you follow the commands below, this file will be created in the same file location that you are generating your certificate files (i.e.: whatever directory you’re in while running the OpenSSL commands).

      Note: This config file describes the certificate request the certificate authority will then sign.

      1. Open a text editor and create a new file called server.cnf. An example using the vi text editor:
        vi server.cnf

      2. The contents of the file should be as follows. Replace {COLLECTOR_FQDN} with the URL from Step 1:

        ## Inside the server.cnf please enter the following lines: 
        default_bits = 2048
        prompt = no
        default_md = sha256
        req_extensions = req_ext
        distinguished_name = dn
        CN = {COLLECTOR_FQDN} ###NOTE:this should be the collector FQDN - do not use the brackets
        subjectAltName = @alt_names
        keyUsage = critical, digitalSignature, keyAgreement
        extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth, clientAuth
        DNS.1 = {COLLECTOR_FQDN} ###NOTE:this should be the collector FQDN - do not use the brackets
    6. Run the command below to generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR):

      openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr -config server.cnf

    7. Run the command below to sign the CSR and create a Red Canary client certificate using the Root CA private key and certificate from the previous steps:

      openssl x509 -req -in server.csr -CA rootCA.pem -CAkey rootCA.key -CAcreateserial -out server.crt -days 365 -sha256 -extfile server.cnf -extensions req_ext

    Note: You can adjust the validity period for the issued certificate by changing the number after the -days flag. In the example above, it is set to 365 days.

    You should have at least the following files after this process is complete:

    • rootCA.key

    • rootCA.pem


    • server.crt

    • server.key

    Step 4: Red Canary–Upload custom certificates to Red Canary

    To connect your custom certificates generated in Step 3 to Red Canary and enable ingest over TLS, follow these steps:

    1. From your Red Canary homepage, navigate to Integrations, scroll down, and select the integration configured in Step 1.

    2. Expand Configure Red Canary to retrieve data from this integration.

    3. Under Configure transport encryption, select “Yes” for Do you want to use a custom TLS certificate for this integration?

    4. Upload the certificates and key from Step 3:

      1. Upload server.crt to the first upload section Upload a certificate file (PEM or DER).

      2. Upload server.key to the second upload section Upload the corresponding private key file.

      3. Upload rootCA.pem to the last upload location Upload the CA certificate corresponding to your certificate (PEM or DER).

    5. Click Save.

      Note: Please confirm that your configured DNS can resolve our collector.

    What fields are available when querying Syslog sources?

    All Security Data Lake sources include a set of metadata columns — data generated by Red Canary at time of ingest. These always begin with rc_:

    Column Name

    Data Type




    Internal row identifier.



    Red Canary subdomain name.



    Internal source identifier.



    Internal source type.



    Internal file name.



    Internal file line number.



    Red Canary ingestion date.



    Red Canary creation date.



    Set to Red Canary ingestion date if timestamp when vendor timestamp isn’t available.

    Syslog sources will also include a set of columns parsed from the original Syslog message. Both RFC-3164 and RFC-5424 logs are supported — some fields may be blank if they are not supported for that Syslog format.

    Column Name

    Data Type




    Timestamp from the Syslog record (if available).






    Source hostname/IP address.



    Source application.



    Process ID.



    Message body.



    Type of message (if specified by source application).



    “Structured Data” elements.

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